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Hurricane Lili
TS Lili

September 29, 2002

Well, I guess here we go again...It looks as TS Lili would like a little Cayman Vacation as well.  We'll keep our fingers crossed and hope it will steer away from us...Today is absolutely beautiful, with just a light chop and a cool breeze.

September 30, 2002

The winds have switched to the North early this morning and are coming in gusts, Lili is heading North of Grand Cayman and will most likely come very close to Little Cayman and Cayman Brac early this afternoon.

October 1, 2002 AM

Lili passed without much of an event last night here in Grand Cayman.  The full blunt of the storm was felt in the Brac and Little Cayman.  The damage sustained on Grand Cayman is limited to free standing puddles and there was no "real" damage.  Reports from the Brac and Little Cayman extend to some minor damage as well, mostly downed trees (hey, our picturesque coconut tree fell in the water last night!!) a few downed power lines but most important everyone is fine.  Strangely enough; Isidore, just a Tropical Storm while it passed by, was a much more violent storm than Lili.  The wind is practically over but the waves keep pounding the beach....

October 1st, 2002 PM

So we didn't take a drive around the Island, the "boss" would not let us go, but we did go to the beach (not too hard to find since it's right outside our office) and did take a few shots.  The waves are still here but the wind is completely gone, unfortunately so is most of the sand.  It is hard to tell because it's so rough, we'll know better by tomorrow morning.  The beach was definitely more corroded when Hurricane Gilbert came around in 1988 and after a strong Nor' Western the beach was back bigger then ever.  Do not despair, the beach is gone only temporarily.  After all, the sand is just a few feet in the water and a couple of good cold fronts this winter will bring the South of SMB right back.  We'll take a few more pictures in the next couple of days and than we'll end this page as well as the Isidore page.   By the way, there was no storm damage in Grand Cayman, do not listen to the news.  We did not get "lashed"!  The East End was fine (except when the dive shop damaged the dock when they were taking the compressor and tanks off the dock during Isidore. "Thanks guys...") and so was the North Side.  We do hope Cayman Brac and Little Cayman fared as well we did.....

October 2nd, 2002

The weather returned to normal faster than expected.  The Sea is calm and the beaches are sunny.  Thanks to all who were concerned with our well being!  As a footnote before we delete these two storm WebPages:  Our Islands have blessed from receiving Hurricanes for years, we have included a picture found on Storm Carib that shows Hurricane and TS paths from 1990 to 1999.





Copyright © 2002-04 Island Marketing LTD. All rights reserved

Hurricane Lili is GONE!!


The sea is back to normal and the sun is out.  The Island is back to it's natural beauty!!  The Brac and Little Cayman have reported very little damage.



Keep an eye out


As before, for real info on this storm and others please refer to:

National Hurricane Center

weather.com Tropical Update

A BIG THANKS goes to Storm Carib for their website and reporters!